for ALL

Update 2025
This year will continue to witness uncertainty and confusion. The housing crisis spoken about as an issue for 2024 remains and is becoming worse. The ongoing high interest rates, low stock availability and high rents will exacerbate an already inflamed housing predicament. ACRO continues to seek out and advocate for alternatives in tandem with governmental commitment to reducing the stress that homelessness is creating.
We continue to urge older people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. This will provide emotional and physical well-being. If programs such as Home Assist Secure and the Commonwealth Home Support Program remain in place, which provide partial home maintenance and modifications, there will be greater opportunity for this to happen. ACRO will assist, where possible, with enabling older citizens as they deal with their ageing.
As ACRO leaves its 60th year of operation behind it, we remain committed to the provision of social justice initiatives that lead to the betterment of our community. We particularly acknowledge the concerning increase in violence against women and children. This increase is symptomatic of multiple failures in our system, not the least of which is the attitude that men have towards women. We can and must, do better to educate and inform.
The world is progressively becoming more polarized and violent with war becoming the “norm”. We should all be concerned about this alarming trend. All humans have worth and should be treated with dignity and respect, not with violence and distain.
Remember to keep well during the Winter months and ensure that your vaccinations are up to date.

“As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed.” – Vincent Van Gogh
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie

ACRO's mandate for social justice extends across all levels of social disadvantage. We have supported the unemployed, the homeless, younger and older people, prisoner families, victims of crime, local communities and refugees. We cannot solely rely upon government funding to continue our work. Your benefaction is vital to continue our mission. ACRO incorporates Stafford Home Assist, Home Maintenance and Modifications (CLICK HERE).
We live in a time of significant disharmony within our society. There are those amongst us who would seek to create conflict on the basis of ethnicity, religion and life choices.Good Citizens will always defend each other. It is not enough to stand by whilst discrimination and hate speech and action is promoted or practiced. We ask you to engage in our work at all levels - donate, volunteer, become an active and responsible citizen.
ACRO is a social justice organisation committed to the development of a safe and caring society with a vision is to be a sustainable and innovative Organisation respected locally and nationally and recognized for delivering a diverse and competitive range of high quality Community Safety and Social Justice related services
Contact Phone Numbers:
ACRO Home Maintenance
07 3856 6222
ACRO Head Office
07 3856 6111